
101 lines
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2024-06-14 19:08:00 +04:00
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; -- paren matching and other horrors of mankind
(use-package smartparens
:hook (prog-mode . smartparens-mode)
(use-package rainbow-delimiters
:hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
;; -- the compile command --
(setq compilation-scroll-output t)
(setq compilation-environment '("TERM=xterm-256color"))
(defun sk/advice-compilation-filter (f proc string)
(funcall f proc (xterm-color-filter string)))
(advice-add 'compilation-filter :around #'sk/advice-compilation-filter)
(defun sk/auto-recompile-buffer ()
(if (member #'recompile after-save-hook)
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'recompile t)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'recompile nil t)))
;; -- project.el --
(setq project-switch-commands '((project-find-file "Find file" "f") (project-find-dir "Find dir" "d") (project-dired "Dired" "D") (consult-ripgrep "ripgrep" "g") (magit-project-status "Magit" "m")))
;; -- elgot (lsp thing) --
(use-package eglot
:bind (:map eglot-mode-map
("C-c C-a" . eglot-code-actions)
("C-c C-r" . eglot-rename))
(setq eglot-autoshutdown t
eglot-confirm-server-initiated-edits nil))
;; this'll make it so i don't have to use vscode every now and then
;; TODO:: WRITE NIX PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(unless (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
(use-package eglot-booster
:straight (eglot-booster :type git :host github :repo "jdtsmith/eglot-booster")
:after eglot
:config (eglot-booster-mode))
;; -- Magit --
(use-package magit
:bind ("C-M-;" . magit-status-here)
(magit-show-long-lines-warning nil)
(magit-display-buffer-function #'magit-display-buffer-same-window-except-diff-v1))
(use-package magit-todos
:after magit
;; -- magit forge --
(use-package forge
:after magit)
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo"))
(defhydra sk/smerge-panel ()
("k" (smerge-prev) "prev change" )
("j" (smerge-next) "next change")
("u" (smerge-keep-upper) "keep upper")
("l" (smerge-keep-lower) "keep lower")
("q" nil "quit" :exit t))
;; -- formatting --
(use-package apheleia
:hook (prog-mode . apheleia-mode))
;; -- autocompletition --
(use-package company
:after eglot
:hook (eglot . company-mode)
:bind (:map company-active-map
("<tab>" . company-complete-selection))
(:map eglot-mode-map
("<tab>" . company-indent-or-complete-common))
(company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
(company-idle-delay 0)
(company-selection-wrap-around t)
(company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
(use-package company-box
:hook (company-mode . company-box-mode))
;; -- syntax checking
(use-package flycheck
(global-flycheck-mode +1))
(provide 'sk-dev)