Commit graph

920 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sakooooo b5774d6105
failed to setup mopidy ill do it later 2023-07-05 15:47:39 +03:00
Sakooooo a54f0641ba
add keepassxc for qutebrowser 2023-07-05 13:49:41 +03:00
Sakooooo e89c097d77
fix qutebworser 2023-07-04 23:58:00 +03:00
Sakooooo d8eee9ce09
Humans prefer the dark for sleeping because
of how we are created. We are meant to sleep
at night because we are Mammals Probably
I dont know if i can write a commit message this long at a jbo
job* but this would be really fun
guys ow do i stop a zsh quote
Oh found it
2023-07-04 23:54:52 +03:00
Sakooooo dcf6bb18c7
actually fix mpd 2023-07-04 23:44:35 +03:00
Sakooooo 3460b249ac
fix mpd 2023-07-04 23:37:26 +03:00
Sakooooo 1e3ad87cd2
add qutebrowser 2023-07-04 23:30:44 +03:00
Sakooooo 404a21c9b1
fix git probably 2023-07-04 21:52:34 +03:00
Sakooooo 889364c670
add background and stuff 2023-07-04 17:16:47 +03:00
Sakooooo 9c1f9244db
add mpd and ncmpcpp 2023-07-04 14:25:02 +03:00
Sakooooo eab4591103
removed alacritty 2023-07-04 13:03:46 +03:00
Sakooooo a9661d4096
add kitty and sxhkd 2023-07-04 12:48:25 +03:00
Sakooooo aa556bb829
change folder did a thing added zsh theme 2023-07-03 19:53:20 +04:00
Sakooooo 1001277788
add polybar 2023-07-03 18:22:49 +04:00
Sakooooo b43c05172a
shut upneovim 2023-07-03 16:33:34 +04:00
Sakooooo aa1688c780
add alacritty config for later 2023-07-03 15:15:22 +04:00
Sakooooo 3dcf46ffeb
add nix lsp 2023-07-03 13:31:07 +04:00
Sakooooo bb242e11c8
we import neovim config from there yea yea 2023-07-03 02:27:02 +04:00
Sakooooo d805358f60
we are getting somewhere 2023-07-03 02:15:05 +04:00
Sakooooo cbe9369f5c
thank you mister 2023-07-03 01:56:12 +04:00