const hyprland = await Service.import("hyprland") // const notifications = await Service.import("notifications") const mpris = await Service.import("mpris") const audio = await Service.import("audio") const battery = await Service.import("battery") const systemtray = await Service.import("systemtray") const date = Variable("", { poll: [1000, 'date "+%H:%M:%S %b %e."'], }) // widgets can be only assigned as a child in one container // so to make a reuseable widget, make it a function // then you can simply instantiate one by calling it function Workspaces() { const activeId ="id") const workspaces = hyprland.bind("workspaces") .as(ws =>{ id }) => Widget.Button({ on_clicked: () => hyprland.messageAsync(`dispatch workspace ${id}`), child: Widget.Label(`${id}`), class_name: => `${i === id ? "focused" : ""}`), }))) return Widget.Box({ class_name: "workspaces", children: workspaces, }) } function ClientTitle() { return Widget.Label({ class_name: "client-title", label:"title"), }) } function Clock() { return Widget.Label({ class_name: "clock", label: date.bind(), }) } // we don't need dunst or any other notification daemon // because the Notifications module is a notification daemon itself // function Notification() { // const popups = notifications.bind("popups") // return Widget.Box({ // class_name: "notification", // visible: => p.length > 0), // children: [ // Widget.Icon({ // icon: "preferences-system-notifications-symbolic", // }), // Widget.Label({ // label: => p[0]?.summary || ""), // }), // ], // }) // } function Media() { const label ="", mpris, "player-changed", () => { if (mpris.players[0]) { const { track_artists, track_title } = mpris.players[0] return `${track_artists.join(", ")} - ${track_title}` } else { return "Nothing is playing" } }) return Widget.Button({ class_name: "media", on_primary_click: () => mpris.getPlayer("")?.playPause(), on_scroll_up: () => mpris.getPlayer("")?.next(), on_scroll_down: () => mpris.getPlayer("")?.previous(), child: Widget.Label({ label }), }) } function Volume() { const icons = { 101: "overamplified", 67: "high", 34: "medium", 1: "low", 0: "muted", } function getIcon() { const icon = audio.speaker.is_muted ? 0 : [101, 67, 34, 1, 0].find( threshold => threshold <= audio.speaker.volume * 100) return `audio-volume-${icons[icon]}-symbolic` } const icon = Widget.Icon({ icon:, audio.speaker, getIcon), }) const slider = Widget.Slider({ hexpand: true, draw_value: false, on_change: ({ value }) => audio.speaker.volume = value, setup: self => self.hook(audio.speaker, () => { self.value = audio.speaker.volume || 0 }), }) return Widget.Box({ class_name: "volume", css: "min-width: 180px", children: [icon, slider], }) } function BatteryLabel() { const value = battery.bind("percent").as(p => p > 0 ? p / 100 : 0) // const icon = battery.bind("percent").as(p => // `battery-level-${Math.floor(p / 10) * 10}-symbolic`) return Widget.Box({ class_name: "battery", visible: battery.bind("available"), children: [ // Widget.Icon({ icon }), Widget.LevelBar({ widthRequest: 140, vpack: "center", value, }), ], }) } function SysTray() { const items = systemtray.bind("items") .as(items => => Widget.Button({ child: Widget.Icon({ icon: item.bind("icon") }), on_primary_click: (_, event) => item.activate(event), on_secondary_click: (_, event) => item.openMenu(event), tooltip_markup: item.bind("tooltip_markup"), }))) return Widget.Box({ children: items, }) } // layout of the bar function Left() { return Widget.Box({ spacing: 8, children: [ Workspaces(), ClientTitle(), ], }) } function Center() { return Widget.Box({ spacing: 8, children: [ Media(), // Notification(), ], }) } function Right() { return Widget.Box({ hpack: "end", spacing: 8, children: [ BatteryLabel(), Volume(), Clock(), SysTray(), ], }) } function Bar(monitor = 0) { return Widget.Window({ name: `bar-${monitor}`, // name has to be unique class_name: "bar", monitor, anchor: ["top", "left", "right"], exclusivity: "exclusive", child: Widget.CenterBox({ start_widget: Left(), center_widget: Center(), end_widget: Right(), }), }) } App.config({ style: "./style.css", windows: [ Bar(), // you can call it, for each monitor // Bar(0), // Bar(1) ], }) export { }